
Tanzania Tour 2019

From August 15th to September 2nd this page will provide information on a trip to Tanzania, that I, Dion will take with my daughter Viktoria, back to where I grew up as a child (1976-1981).

This place is Lugala, in the Ulanga Kilombero valley, in the what was formally called Morogoro District, now Malinyi District.

High Level schedule





Thursday Aug 15th

Arrival in Dar Es Salaam

Saturday Aug 17th

Travel: Dar > Ifakara


Monday Aug 19th

Travel: Ifakara > Lugala


Visiting old friends in/around Lugala


Monday Aug 26th

Travel: Lugala > Ifakara (>Mikumi)

Tuesday Aug 27th

Safari Tour in Mikumi National Park

Wednesday Aug 28th

Travel: Mikumi > Dar


Visiting various people/sites in/around Dar


Monday Sept 2

Departure from Dar

Read more on the background of my place of childhood: https://sky-world.dk/ulanga.html

Many Tribes, one country, one flag

Below pictures are fragments from 3 weeks in Tanzania. (click on picture to enlarge)

Pictures from traveling: DK-TZ (2019-08-14+15)

Pictures from Dar-Es-Salaam (2019-08-15+16)

Pictures from traveling : Dar > Ifakara (2019-08-17)

Pictures from Ifakara (2019-08-18+19)

Pictures from traveling: Ifakara > Lugala (2019-08-20)

Pictures from Lugala (2019-08-19+20)

Pictures from traveling: Lugala > Mpanga (2019-08-21)

Pictures from Mpanga and Taweta: (Catholic Deacons entering Priesthood - Becomes "Fathers" ) (2019-08-22+23)

Pictures from Lugala (final days) (2019-08-24+25) - heading for Mikumi (2019-08-26)